I swear I felt lightheaded, and had to hold on to my kitchen counter after the first bite for fear that my knees would buckle. These cookies seduce you so thoroughly that if they had a penis I would give them my butt cherry (if I hadn't already given it to someone else of course, but that is another story for another type of blog).
I must warn you though. This cookie is not for those of you who pussyfoot around chocolate. This cookie is for the hardcore chocolate slut like myself. If you are into cutesy, sweet cookies then run along honey. This shit right here is for the big girls. Now leave us to our business...
First and foremost I have no idea why Dorie is calling them cookies when they could very well be one of the best brownies I've ever had. So going forward I am calling them brownies; brownie pops actually because I put them on cute sticks to try to make up for the fact they are not the most aesthetically pleasing cookie I've ever seen. They have so much going on that I really didn't expect to like them. I'm a chocolate purist and I enjoy my chocolate desserts without all the bells and whistles of additional distractions such as chunks and nuts and fruit, but these bad boys sent me over the edge. I omitted the raisins (bleah), and added pecans and used mini M&M's and semi-sweet chocolate chips instead of white chocolate chips(white chocolate is such a cop out. Either you like chocolate or you don't. Technically white chocolate isn't even chocolate because there is no cocoa in it. Are you aware that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration doesn't consider white chocolate to be chocolate at all? Yeah white chocolate is for p*ssies) They were all kinds of sinful. Just thinking about them excites me. I'm done talking people because I have to run off and
If you want to have a really good night and are dying to make these cookies you can find the recipe @ Fool for Food. Tell Claudia I love her.
Be sure to check out the Tuesdays with Dorie blogroll to see everyone else's orgasmic brownies.
Stay Sweet;)

P.S. Michelle of Bake-en selected Dimply Plum Cake for next weeks recipe. Needless to say don't come 'round these parts expecting that nastiness. Maybe I'll concoct something else...